Tyson Robert Sweers
Our hearts are broken to announce, Tyson Robert Sweers passed away suddenly at his home in the RM of Caron, SK on Saturday, February 2nd, 2019 at the age of 3 years. Tyson will be lovingly missed by his parents, Jordon and Leeann Sweers; and his brothers, Cohen and Tanner. He will be remembered by grandparents, Diane Sweers, and Robert and Brenda Labrie; as well as many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. He was met in Heaven by his grandfather, Clinton Sweers and many great-grandparents. Tyson, you were given to us for what seemed like a blink of an eye. From the moment you were born we knew you were special. There was a spark inside you – a light. You were so fierce, wild and full of energy, yet so gentle and kind. You had the most beautiful smile with a glimpse of mischief and the most amazing blue eyes. You almost looked angelic. Tyson loved all things boy. He loved playing in the mud and sandbox, his trucks, trains and going on adventures. You were not afraid of anything and lived every moment of your life full on. His brothers were his best buds, his daddy was his hero, and his mommy was his home. May his light continue to shine bright within all of us. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, February 9th, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the Harvey Room at Moose Jaw Funeral Home. All are welcome to come and share in Tyson’s celebration. In lieu of flowers, donations in Tyson’s name may be made to the Rowletta Civic Centre by e-transfer to rowlettacivic@gmail.com.
Our deepest sympathy to the entire Sweers family. May all your wonderful memories help you through this very difficult time.
Jordon and Leeann our hearts are aching for you and all the family. May love, hugs, holding hands and the understanding of a candle has been lit in heaven for ever more. A new light is now shining. Our prayer and love are with you and the entire family. Doug and Brenda
So very sorry for your loss Jordan and Leeann and family. <3
I’m so sorry Leeann & Jordan. My heart hurts for you both & your families. I can’t imagine you’re pain but am sending love your way.
Take care, Lynne Christman (DeVito)
Our thoughts are with you all at this sad time. May you find strength in knowing that many people like us who are not a part of your life anymore still care. Life is so precious.
Our sincerest sympathies to the Sweers and Labrie families. May you find comfort in the fond memories you have of your little guy.
Diane, my heart breaks for you and your family. I can’t imagine loosing a grandchild so young.
Im sending you lots of love a big hugs.
Sandy Oehm Shaver
We’re so sorry for your loss, you are both in our thoughts and prayers
Leanne and Jordan we are truly sorry for your loss. The loss of a child is heartbreaking. Our heart aches for you and your family. You are in our thoughts.
I pray you find strength in This difficult time and comfort in your memories. So many people are mourning for you Leeann, Jordan and your beautiful boys.
We are sending our heartfelt sympathies to Jordan, Leeann, Cohen and Tanner and Diane, Robert, Brenda and family members. Words cannot express our sorrow. Please know all of us are thinking of you.
My Deepest Sympathies to Tyson’s dear Parents,
It breaks my heart to see young ones like sweet little Tyson separated from those who loved him. I know, there is no words that can alleviate the pain of losing a dear sweet baby. Death it’s like a stab in the heart. Yet, I want to share with you something that soothed my pain, and that is, Hope, having the hope of seeing my brother again and many others like little Tyson reunited with their families has helped to cope with my loss and endure difficult days. The Bible has given me hope and comfort. I wanted to share that with you too. 1 Corinthians 15: 26 says: “And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing”. Death is an enemy since it separate us from our loved ones. God has the purpose of reuniting us with our loved ones through a resurrection, and eliminate death forever.
Jesus clearly said: in John 11:28 “I am the resurrection and the life”. He also said: “Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out…
What a wonderful day that will be, to see all those sleeping in death will come back to be with their families.
God plans of creating a paradise earth as the beginning, and bringing back those who are sleeping in death is a promise that will be fulfill. (Revelation 21:3,4)
May this message warm your hearts,
Z.V. Labonte
My wife and I as JW would like to express our sympathy to the family in losing such a young boy to our enemy death. Yes death has no sympathy to ones age as mention in the Bible at Romans 5:12.
But thanks to our Heavenly Father Jehovah God he has made a way out for our love ones in death as mention in 1cornithians 15: 22- 26. We hope these words would bring comfort for all in the family. Jim & Olga
Our hearts break for the parents of young Tyson and his siblings. No parent should ever have to bury a child. His brief time on earth will have brought you immeasurable joy. That was his gift.
With love and sympathy
Roger and Kelly Duck
Leanne, Jordan, Cohen and Tanner we are so sorry for your loss! May the special memories of Tyson help you through the days ahead!
Leanne, Jordan & family our thoughts and prayers are with you all!
Our deepest sympathies on the loss of your son. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Aunt Yvonne and Uncle Albert
St. Bruno Quebecy
Leeann and Jordan sending prayers for you in this difficult time .
may you remember the wonderful times you had and hold them close to your heart.
Love you Pam Anderson
Sending you all so
much love & strength ❤️ You’re in our prayers.
May your love for Tyson remain forever in your hearts until you meet again. Let his memories draw you close together and hold on strong through this time of pain and grief. A special angel to watch over you…..our deepest sympathies ❤️
Jordon and Leeann,
We are so, so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear son Tyson, truly heartbreaking for your family.
Our thoughts are with you, sending our sincere heartfelt condolences to all.
Jordan, Leeann and family, Diane, Jackie, Danny and family…there are no words except sincere condolences to each and every one of you. We cannot imagine what you are feeling and going through. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Love Faye, Amber and Alex
From Great Gramma Robinson
I am thinking of each one of you at this time. I am so glad that I met Tyson at Tanner’s Christening and watched Tyson to be his lively self at the Women’s Institute Hall. Tyson was God’s gift to us all. All my Love and Hugs
Leeann and Jordon,
Your love for your children and each other is undying. Find strength in your family, your friends, your community. Our prayers are with you every day that you find peace. Tyson will shine through in every little thing you see and do. You will see him in that snowflake, that flower, that leaf. You will hear him in a gentle wind, a rain shower. You will feel him in a ray of sun. He is everywhere you are. Let this carry you. Let the wonderful memories of life with Tyson be your rock.
My heart hurts, so much for your family. I can’t imagine, how broken your family is after, your loss of sweet little Tyson. Wrap your arms around, each other and your boys. Hold on tight, and may the memories of him, make you even closer as a family. So, one day soon you might feel like you can breathe again. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Sending love, hugs and our deepest sympathies to the Sweers and Labrie families ❤️ Your in our thoughts and prayers
His memories will live on in your hearts forever ❤️
I do not know your family but I do feel very sad for your loss.Deepest sy,pathy.
Jordan, Leeann & Family We wanted to send you our love and condolences at this time. Our heartfelt prayers go out to you, and we hope that you may somehow find the strength you need to make it through each day. With love from Uncle Ivan & Aunt Shirley
Jordan, Leeann, Cohen, & Tanner, My heart goes out to you with prayers and support. May it give you comfort in knowing that others share your grief. Love Diane Dauphinais