David Bricknell
David Bricknell passed away on Monday, November 18th, 2013 in Moose Jaw, SK at the age of 74 years. He was born in Somerset County, England on December 25th, 1938. At the age of 15, he came to Canada and took up residence in the Mazenod, SK area, where he attended school until the age of 17 when he went to work as a farm laborer in the area. He then went to work on a farm in the Stoney Beach District as a laborer and remained there for a few years. The year he turned 21 he was working in British Columbia in the mines, where he also worked as a lumberjack. David was self-educated and would read anything he could get his hands on to learn more about a subject he found interesting or encountered in his daily travels. In 1990 he became a Teamster with the Local 395 where he worked on the pipeline and at the upgrader until his retirement about 10 years ago. He leaves all his friends with many fond memories of his antics and sayings. He will be missed by all his friends at the Park Hotel and his fellow Teamsters. A Graveside Service will be held on Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. in Rosedale Cemetery.
Cheers Chum!!
Arrangements are entrusted to Moose Jaw Funeral Home, 268 Mulberry Lane. James Murdock, Funeral Director 306-693-4550