Eileen Hope Bozyk
Eileen Hope Bozyk (nee: Sabey) of Moose Jaw , Saskatchewan passed away on January 15, 2007 in the Moose Jaw Union Hospital . Eileen was predeceased by her husband Adam (Jim) Bozyk. She is survived by her sister Molly Pharaoh (Basil); sons Stuart Bozyk (Diane) of Marquis, SK and Kevin Bozyk (Betty) of High River, AB; daughter Colleen Baldwin (Kris) of Winnipeg, MN; three granddaughters Amy Gillespie, Maggie Bozyk, Kate Baldwin and daughter-in-law Linda. Mom came to Canada from England as a war bride of twenty six years of age to be with he husband Jim. At first they lived in Durban , Manitoba , which Mom always said was a culture shock after life in Britain . There was no running water, electricity or indoor plumbing which made life very interesting with a two year old baby boy, Stuart, running around. After a few years in Winnipeg and Watson, they eventually moved to Moose Jaw in the late 50’s, with two more children, Kevin and Colleen, where Mom resided until her passing. Even though life was never easy for her, Mom always provided a roof over our heads and food on our table. She was a devoted mother to her three children and was very proud of us all especially when she became a Grandmother to three granddaughters within a short period of time. She was a true and loyal friend to ‘big’ Joyce, Pat, Nell, ‘little’ Joyce and Eve in England who enhanced her life in more ways than they will ever know. She made many friends while working at Evans Florist and McKenzie Jewellers. Mom loved animals, especially cats and would take in any stray that happened by. We were sure she adopted and renamed any a neighbor’s cat and it was always interesting to do a cat ‘head count’ when visiting. Her special cat in her later years was Snuffy, named so because he constantly sneezed. Mom was very intelligent and had a marvelous sense of humor. We will cherish our times we had laughing so hard tears rolled down our faces and we will miss picking up the phone to call her when faced with a question or definition of a word that ‘Grandma will know’. She never thought of herself as a person of knowledge, but had her life been different, she could have achieved so much more. One of her favorite sayings was “If in doubt, look it up,” and she always had the dictionary at the ready. She loved to use Latin Phrases and said her own personal motto was “Bloodied but not bowed.” Mom found the prairie winters very long and hard but managed to drive to the mall or over to her friend Nell’s for tea. She spent hundreds of dollars on bird feed and getting the feeders filled every morning was a priority no matter what the weather. Even though she was crippled by arthritis and osteoporosis made her the ‘incredible shrinking woman,’ she worked long hours in her yard coaxing beautiful things to grow from Saskatchewan soil. She could talk for hours about the new flowers she planted or how wonderful the feel of the compost she had just sifted through a screen over her wheelbarrow was to the touch. Though she spent most of her life in Canada , she always referred to England as ‘home.’ As she aged, her stories of her youth were the main topic of her conversations – and they say you can never go home again! At Mom’s request there will be no Funeral Service, she avoided funerals and refused to attend even her own. Mom disliked having her picture taken and when we did manage to capture her on film she would state “Who was that old woman?” It was a joke that because of her aversion to cameras, when she passed away we would use the picture of a stick person to represent her. She will be dearly missed by her children, grandchildren, daughters-in-law and son-in-law, her wonderfully caring neighbors and friends of the family and most of all, her cats. Carpe Diem. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Moose Jaw Humane Society, Box 1658 Station Main, Moose Jaw , SK S6H 9Z9 in Eileen’s name would be appreciated by the family.