Myrtle (Scotty) Boan
Myrtle (Scotty) Boan died peacefully on September 24th, 2010 at the age of 97 years. Born March 13th, 1913 in the Pense district, Scotty was the middle child of three girls born to Mary and James Scott. She attended school at Kennelworth, Qu’Appelle and Pense, before going to Normal School in Regina to obtain her teacher’s training. Her teaching career started in the one-room country schools of Adelaide, Gosmil, Briercrest, Archydal, Camlachie and Cataraqui. Scotty moved from the Briercrest High School in 1965 to Central Collegiate in Moose Jaw where she retired 12 years later. While in the Pitman district, she met and married a local farmer, James Boan, and took time out to raise a family of three on the home farm south of Moose Jaw in the Baildon and Tilney districts. Scotty was a committed walker and for many years could be seen hiking along near her Grandview Street home in Moose Jaw. In 1997, Scotty moved to Abbotsford, British Columbia to be near her daughter Heather and family. In 2003 she came back to Moose Jaw and moved into the Mulberry Estate Residence and in 2008 she moved to her final home at Chez Nous. Scotty was a long time member of St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church and her strong faith supported her through many tough times. Scotty was predeceased by her sisters Mavor Scott and Elizabeth Nichols, her beloved husband Jim, daughter Heather and son-in-law Stan Sapielak. Scotty is lovingly remembered by her sons Bryce (Birdie) and Duncan(Barb); grandchildren Kenna, Darla, Tim, Malcolm, Jim, Kevin, Michelle and Andrew; 17 great grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Life Service will be held on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010 at 2:30 p.m. in Moose Jaw Funeral Home with Reverend Barry Holtslander officiating. Friends wishing to do so may make donations in memory of Scotty to the CNIB, 2550 Broad St., Regina, SK. S4P 3Z4 or to the Canadian Diabetes Association, 917A Albert St., Regina, SK. S4R 2P6.