Grace Pauline Bessette
Grace Pauline Bessette (nee Weideman), passed peacefully in her sleep at home on Thursday, February 24th, 2011. Grace is survived by her daughter, June (Don) Woodrow and family; her son, David Kaatz and family; her step-daughter, Gayle Bessette and family; plus numerous brothers, sisters and family members. She was blessed with grandchildren, great-grandchildren and many special friends. Grace was predeceased by her husband Gerry and will be interred beside him in a Graveside Service on Saturday, April 23rd, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. in Rosedale Cemetery. Special thanks to Dr. A.J. VanHeerden and the staff at Five Hills Health Region Home Care. In lieu of flowers, anyone wishing to do so may send donations to the Five Hills Health Region, c/o Home Care/Palliative Care, 455 Fairford St. E., Moose Jaw, SK. S6H 1H3 in memory of Grace.