Kenneth Herbert Spence
November 20th, 1921 – November 22nd, 2011
Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.
Jeremiah 17:7 (KJV)
Kenneth Herbert Spence was born in 1921 to Herbert Alexander Gowan and Emily Florence (nee New) Spence, who had moved from Ontario shortly after their marriage to settle in Lafleche, Saskatchewan, where Ken grew up. After a year at Luther College in Regina, Ken began his career as a CPR telegrapher and station agent, following in the steps of his father and two maternal uncles. After working as a relief agent throughout southern Saskatchewan, Ken was posted to White Fox, Saskatchewan, where he met and fell in love with an outgoing young woman who had grown up on a farm in the area. On June 27th, 1953, Ken wed Mary Dora Ens in Pontrilas, Saskatchewan, a union that was to last over 54 years. During the years that Ken’s work took them from White Fox to Herschel to Vanguard to Luseland and, finally, to Kerrobert, they welcomed two sons and three daughters into their family.
During his forty-one years with the CPR, Dad served as a loyal and dedicated employee. Almost without exception, each work day found him at his post, carrying out his duties with diligence, a work ethic that he passed on to his children, who are proud of the example he set. The sound of a train whistle and the sight of a railway station will always bring back vivid and warm memories of life in a railroading family.
As parents, Dad and Mom modelled a faithful commitment to following Jesus. As well as setting an example of daily prayer and scripture reading, they were very involved in church life; they participated actively in Luseland Alliance church for over 40 years. The many hours of piano practice as a child and teen were put to good use as Dad willingly served as a church pianist for a number of years. He also taught an adult Bible class for several decades, and put in innumerable hours at church board meetings. His desire to serve faithfully led to many trips through the drifting and blowing snow of Saskatchewan winters, so that he could fulfill his commitments. He was truly a man who walked humbly with his God (Micah 6:8); he gave freely of his time and abilities, never expecting recognition or reward.
Dad’s interests were many and varied. Our memories are filled with the sound of Dad’s piano playing through many years at home and, in the last few years, at Providence Place, in Moose Jaw, where he delighted in the pleasure his playing gave to the staff and residents. Living beside the golf course in Kerrobert was a blessing for Dad, particularly in his retirement years. The quietness of his round (or two) of golf every day brought renewal, but he was happy to have any of his children or grandchildren join him, as he demonstrated the right way to swing a golf club. He faithfully tended the large garden that fed seven people as we were growing up, and continued to provide treats like new potatoes and fresh peas when we returned for summer visits. A bird watcher, he enjoyed keeping track of the birds that visited the feeder hung outside the dining room window. The daily Star Phoenix was a necessity; he continued to doodle in its margins and solve the word puzzle into his 89th year.
Left to celebrate his life and share in the deeply felt loss of a much-loved brother, father, and grandfather are Ken’s brother Jack (John) and Joan Spence, children Rhoda and Myles Cairns (Nicole and Ian), Eric and Susan Spence (Shaun and Kristine), Beryl and Ryonald Rosenthal (Kathryn and Jordan), Garth and Janet Spence (Phaedra (Dave), Tony (Jason), Ashley (Matthew), Megan, and Joshua), and Janet and Dale McDowell (Miranda (Chris) and Dallas), as well as five great-grandchildren. Ken was predeceased by his father (1981) and mother (1986), and by his beloved wife Mary in 2007.
A Memorial Service will be held Thursday, December 1st, 2011, at 1:00 p.m. in Moose Jaw Funeral Home in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Pastor John Duerksen will officiate.
The family expresses their gratefulness to the wonderful staff who cared so well for our father at Providence Place during his last years, and to those in Guardian Grove who tended him lovingly during the final days of his life in this world.
In lieu of flowers, donations in Ken’s name may be made to the Luseland Bible Camp, Box 71, Luseland, SK S0L 2A0.